July 14

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Grandma Snicketts had invited everyone to come over that morning so that she could treat them to the Rise & Dine. They were welcomed with stacks of giant pancakes, bacon, grits, scrambled eggs, and fruit bowls before the meal had been concluded.

Then briefly back to Grandma’s where Francis played cars and wind-up toys with Puck. And Grandma shared with them the latest goings-on.

To pick up Linnea-Irish next from her last day camp with AHG. She got into the van, utterly soaked through.

Water balloons,” she explained. “I told them not to. But they did.”

Meanwhile, back on the ranch…

Gymnastics, time with Mandarin, and youth group for Linnea, heat indices nearing, or at, 110, shoe shopping with Mom and Carrie-Bri for Francis, onion soup and chocolate torte which seemed to way twenty pounds from the hands of Carrie, and more beetle poaching…

And Francis was busy with his usual anecdotes: changing the ringtone on Collette’s cell, eating chocolate off the point of a Chinese dagger, and letting Snuggles take rides on his shoulders around the house.

Then movie night with Rose. But not before they unsuccessfully tried to pick up her car from its oil change, six minutes after they had closed.

And there had also been the reveal that Collette had, indeed, not signed up Rose for a Christian dating service in the UK. A rather funny joke pulled off by the imaginative mind of Carrie-Bri.

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Jamie Larson