July 9
The electricity went out at 3:45 in the morning.
“Only 300 people out in the entire state, and we’re one of them,” said OLeif.
Every time the electricity went out, he had to drive up to work (usually in the middle of the night in the rain), and check the breaker switches.
After the smoke detector had gone off from the fumes of a single candle, the electricity was restored at 5:40am, and Puck hadn’t lost an ounce of sleep. OLeif and Collette lost two hours.
By the time mid-morning had arrived, Mom, Carrie, and Linnea had come over for errand running.
Puck had fun riding in the cart. After greeting Susie at the photo counter, they walked around Target for an hour or so. Carrie wasn’t in a bad shopping mood. And for lunch, they picked out pizzas shipped in from Italy and blueberry/pomegranate and green apple spritzers.