June 17

Thursday, June 17, 2010

On Grandma Combs’ 74th birthday…

The storms came in great that morning, which was unusual for that time of day. The glory of a storm in the dripping blue-green garden and rattle of white light. The familiar radio announcer gave the report as ‘dangerous lightening’, which always provided a laugh to Collette’s day.

After another breakfast of toast with strawberry jam, bacon, and scrambled eggs with Gloria and Theodore, it was time for another Bible study with the Christ Church ladies. This included one lady who would shortly move to New York. And another originally from South Africa with soft red hair, and who, of course, spoke fluent Afrikaans.

Back at the Silverspoon’s, Collette served up lunch for Puck, who seemed to still be bothered by whatever barometric change in pressure or whatever else it was.

“Why my eye has tears, Mama?” he asked.

“Could be an allergy,” Collette replied, handing him a plate of carrots and cucumber slices.

“Who put the allergy all over me?” he asked.

God did.”

Oh.” And he turned his attentions to lunch.

Meanwhile, Gloria was off to see a client with Theodore. And Izzy was joined by Charlie at two o’clock for further activities.

Come early evening, Gloria had steaks and potatoes on the barbecue. And Izzy had returned to leave for the English’s where he would join a Hungary team Skype meeting to their adjoining team in Kansas City.

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Jamie Larson