June 24
Another of Frances’ ball games had been rained out. The storm crept in around noon and dredged the land again.
OLeif had a vacation day from work and finished mowing the back lawn just before the rain had landed.
Poor Puck was not feeling well by the afternoon. He had a fever and was drowsy enough to require an early dinner before bedtime. Collette wondered if he had more teeth coming in. He spent a windy afternoon in the car, as OLeif drove them to the Italian bakery for cannolis.
“I went a little crazy,” said OLeif, coming back to the car with a box of pastries.
Two cannolis, one cream puff, and one chocolate-covered something.
Then OLeif pooled together his birthday money and bought himself a small video camera, which he immediately tried out on Puck eating his peas for dinner.