June 25
Puck seemed to be feeling better that morning. Still hungry as always.
He began his day by shuffling through OLeif’s pile of frisbees left out the night before when Joe, Tennessee, and Ben-Hur played for awhile at the park.
Over at the house, Puck disappeared for a few moments to Carrie’s room and returned with an empty Red Flying Saucer bottle, which Carrie had kept because of the drawing of a red flying saucer on the label. He held it by the cork and proudly walked into the living room to set it on the floor by the piano.
“No, Puck!” Carrie laughed, and rescued it from his paws. “You can’t have that.”
It was also Rose’s last day to be 17. She spent part of it bemoaning the fact that she had to put together her yearbook pages by the end of the week.
Carrie was busy making decisions regarding potential jobs and thoughts about pursuing her PhD.
Joe was busy organizing his pictures from the Bugatti dealership and making coffee for himself and Mom.
Linnea spent part of her afternoon with Gretyl after Vacation Bible School was done for the morning.
Everyone had their own ideas of how to spend the summer. Everyone was busy doing something.
And Puck’s favorite word was still “hot”.