June 5
Predictions estimated 93 degrees for the first scorcher of the year. Collette and Puck stayed indoors while the winds ruffled the trees outside.
Puck had begun making his “o” face again and made it a regular thing to ask:
He spent a good part of his morning examining the rocking tricycle that he had received from his grandma and grandpa for his birthday. Bright red, purple, and yellow plastic was sure to catch the eye of a 14-month old.
Outside, thousands of “puffs” floated through the morning air. Maybe they were dandelion seeds or maybe they came from the trees. Either way, it was a soft-floating snow globe in which Collette and Puck found themselves that quiet Thursday.
In the afternoon, Puck enjoyed picking out his favorite books, plopping himself into his mom’s lap, and waiting for her to read. Then he studied Collette’s hand movements as she showed him how to stack colored blocks.