Last Preparations
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Daylight’s Saving. Even after all of the notes Collette had left herself to remind them to switch their clocks forward by one hour, she forgot. And so she was up by 6:45 instead of 5:45. And yet it still gave her time to get everything ready for church that morning.
Judah preached that sunny Sunday. Afterwards, OLeif stayed behind for a youth parent/leader seminar. Mom was so tired from staying up so late the night before with Mrs. Lord-Welches, that she came home, fixed lunch, and crashed for a few hours.
Meanwhile, Joe and Wallace had grabbed lunch and headed over to The Columns with the old green slug, transporting madrigal dinner materials from the South’s.
Carrie was finishing the last touches on Joe’s and Rose’s costumes. After a trip over to Good Will for a last piece for Rose, her costume was ready. No longer was she to be the Moorish princess, but the gypsy after all. Joe, trying on his long black garb, gold shoes, and shimmering gold cape, was also given the great turban. Carrie hot-glued on several gold fabric pieces while it sat on his head. And then she added the black eye make-up for those hot desert afternoons, and a black goatee.
Carrie had also received another email from Elazar, who had many ideas of hikes and back-packing trails that she and Eve could take that summer (their winter). This included hiking in the great Australian rain forests, further north. This option came highly recommended from Elazar himself.
And at work one day that week, Carrie had taken the highest number of calls over anyone in the company that particular day – above the five hundred mark. This provided for some friendly competition between herself and the guy taking calls next to her.
When Mom awoke from her nap, she spent a short while out in the yard with a board of rubber bugs and a can of gold spray-paint – these would be used as table decorations for the madrigal dinner, the theme obviously being of an insect-like nature.
This was followed with a drive over to Weldon Spring Park where Dad, Mom, and Collette walked the circumference and Mom set out cheese and crackers on the picnic table in the cool of the late afternoon. Francis, Linnea, and OLeif spent their time with the Frisbee and over at the baseball diamond playing a game involving dirt clods and the Frisbee. OLeif returned to the picnic table with imprints of dirt circles all over his Sunday shirt.
After he and Rose had headed over to youth, Francis told Collette with a big smile, “Tell OLeif that we’ll play “OLeif Dodges Dirt Clods” with him, any time he wants.”
Back on the ranch, it was a quiet cool evening, mostly. Aside from Joe dancing with the dog in the kitchen, and he and Dad spending some time going at each other with windmill punches for the fun of it, it was pretty calm. Although Francis and Linnea spent a half-hour in the basement giggling hysterically over “America’s Funniest Home Videos”.
OLeif and Rose soon returned with the Reformation Day banners from church with their coffee cans filled with cement bases. Mom had borrowed them from Judah for the madrigal dinner. The next day was decoration day.