March 4th, 2025
Thunder grumble in the night... dreams : plans to make pies...
Sitting for math class in the morning Yali is beginning to find himself creeped out by the Bob Ross sponge-face from yesterday and tosses him off the table... Patience approves...
Then away to Yellow Bird for the day over swathes of unforgivable potholes...
The wind is singing... high winds slamming into the southeast side of the house as I return home for hours of cleaning and documents... knocks over a full recycling bin... catch all the cardboard and cans before they fly away...
Rain begins to fall around two o'clock, as predicted... the dog watches from the window as if it's her best entertainment of the day...
Oxbear texts from a boat in the Gulf looking for dolphins... “Working hard eh?” I tease him...
Yali and Patience are picked up from the cottage with paper cranes... Yali stuffs his into his pocket as they enter a more driving rain...
At home... the kids begin fighting over their collaborative Minecraft build – Yali isn't happy with his sister's method of roof repair...“She keeps placing down slabs instead of normal blocks!” he protests – and Patience leaves in a stomp-off rage... “FINE! Do it YOURSELF!”
...but quickly distracts herself practicing new hairstyles in the bathroom mirror before an at-home violin lesson...
Oxbear leaves before four o'clock for another shift in Produce, but not before tossing a banana peel at Yali which unleashes the inner beast... temporarily...
Back out in the evening to the studio during a pause in the rain... two hours of stomping and gliding for Patience...
Oxbear sends video of a dolphin just surfacing in the dark blue...
Before the rain begins to fall again, Puck calls me... “What's for dinner?” and... “Where's Dad? ... He's where?”
Cold stars and fading clouds... little slice of moon in the sky... more big winds coming...