May 17
It was Uncle Mo’s birthday. 51. And with the way things in the world were progressing, Collette wondered if 50 was becoming the new 30.
It was a little strange attending Curly’s recital that afternoon. It was good, short, entertaining. But almost like watching a different era. No one was there from the old days: Snuffy, Relevance, Mercy and Peter, Diana, Louis, Gad and Justus, and so many more. Instead it was Joe, Wally, Curly, Annamaria, Rose, Lolli, Starr, Thor, and other younger ones. Everything else was the same except for the people. Maybe there would still be voice recitals and choir concerts thirty years later: same songs, same instruments, new kids.
Afterward there was cake, then more cake at Augustus’ graduation party. Puck snacked on grapes, tiny tomatoes, and pickles (without a pucker), then ran around with the Honey’s little black dog and played with a brain ball that Reuben let him have from his office.
And Kitts was back in town for a week. When Puck wasn’t sure if he remembered her at first, Carrie showed him the necklace hanging temptingly around Kitts’ neck. Puck liked this, and reached for it.
“Nice,” said Kitts, “I’ll be the aunt who always wears the cool jewelry.”