May 7
Carrie-Bri’s latest infatuation: “Man vs. Wild”.
When Collette had spoken with Linnea on the phone the previous afternoon, Linnea had things to report.
“Joe squashed this huge spider that was crawling in the front door. And then Carrie tried to eat it!”
“I have to survive!” Carrie defended herself the following morning. “I tried to eat a silverfish off the wall at Mimi’s Cafe with Lucia last night. But she started screaming at me not to, so I didn’t, because people were starting to stare.”
“Buddha came back,” Rose was saying.
Buddha, the toad, who seemed to return every year.
“I’m gonna eat him when she’s not looking,” said Carrie.
Then she read “Tacky the Penguin” to Puck, followed by watching some clips of the crazy weatherman in South Carolina and then more “Man vs. Wild”.
Carrie was inspired.
“I think I’ll live in the yard for a week and live off the land.”
Collette recalled the days when Carrie and Bing had eaten grass and bark just to gross out Diana. The cycle seemed to be returning.
Meanwhile, Puck distracted himself in the kitchen with a miniature rubix cube.