Mixing Salad
Puck spent a good portion of his Wednesday morning helping his Tante Carrie make broccoli salad. He helped watch the broccoli and red onion being chopped, he crushed the bacon, and sprinkled in the raisins and the peas while Carrie talked about her geologist friend from South Africa who was considering studying isotopes in Antarctica, which meant that he would no longer be writing her two-page emails about rocks.
“Honey, this isn’t art class” Carrie said to the chubby Puck, as she removed his hands from the mounds in the salad bowl.
Next, they prepared a dressing of mayonnaise, vinegar, and sugar.
“That’s… oood,” Carrie was saying.
“Ood, ood,” Puck repeated. “Hebby, hebby,” he said, holding the sugar sack in his lap.
Then Carrie spoke with a British accent, and Puck copied her just about perfectly. They then let Puck watch Top Gear clips of Richard Hammond inside a car being struck by lightening and of David Tennant being celebrity-interviewed. This was followed with Puck dancing to Doctor Who music in Carrie’s room.
By the afternoon, the sun had baked the spring land. It was warm enough to sit outside with sunnies and watch Puck run around barefoot in the front lawn.