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“Mom? How was breakfast created? How was lunch created? How was dinner created?”
I think I made up something about Adam asking Eve to fix him some eggs; hold the bacon. But this somehow ended up with Puck lecturing me on the irresponsibility of misquoting history. Once you plant that seed…
“…and the kids who will read that will grow up to be doofuses!”
Because we’re Snicketts, we made plans to visit graveyards, it being Memorial Day and all. So while Joe and Jaya cruised the open Caribbean Sea, we shuttled two cars over to St. Peters to visit Grandma Snicketts’ resting place for the first time. In the “pine garden” I believe they called it, a marble block she shared with a variety of other folks. Grandma got the top layer, because, as Uncle Balthasar had inquired:
“How much is the penthouse?”
Sounded about right. Anyway, they designed a little bronze pig in relief under her name. Fitting for the grandma with the largest collection of pigs (the inanimate type) west of the Mississippi.
Coldwater Cemetery followed, our more traditional site to wander tombstones embellishing the remains of church members born well over 200 years ago. As we walked the sloping farm path into the woods, thunder cracked over those high green fields. About time.
Puck amused himself the entire ride home from the Florissant area with a silver stick he had found stuck in the ground at the graveyard, imagining it into anything he wanted it to be, while Cherry snoozed beside him:
“Mom!” he tried to whisper. “This is the most amazing scientific thing! It can stick to anything and it can turn into anything! The most amazing scientifics inside him!”
Big House. Andy Griffith. Cecil Whittaker’s. Rose texted Ricky at the Cards-Yankees game. A blast of high-speed winds sent us off to the Silverspoon’s, smashing rain. Yes, this is what we were waiting for.
Rain. Game. St. Louis burgers. Chocolate chip cookies. Yes. Or, as Francis says it these days:
Who knows with that boy.
And the extended wedding weekend came to a close.