Nothing really, nothing really

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Collette woke up a trifle sick that morning, and found herself particularly satisfied that she would not be spending the following week in bug-spitten heat-stricken mold-ridden New Orleans with OLeif and all the kids. Perhaps she was just not meant to serve God by tearing apart molded walls and clearing out trashed lawns for a week in the summer. But there were other reasons for not going. And so she would not be cozying it up with the alligators that summer. Rather, she would most likely be cleaning out the apartment if she felt so inclined, finishing the Great Stan-o’s copy of Marco Polo, and doing whatever else might happen to present itself over the seven and a third days.

Meanwhile… Well, there really was no meanwhile. Quiet half-weeks came, and when they came, Collette decided that it was pretty much a good thing to enjoy while it lasted.

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Jamie Larson