November 17
The rain continued.
Collette and Puck spent their morning reading many books. Puck was now able to point out the word ‘God’ in his Bible story book, and some minor words, in addition.
Then they danced in the living room to Amr Diab and Tarkan for awhile.
“Spin me, Mama! Spin me!” Puck cried out happily, grinning chubby dimples at her.
In the early afternoon, OLeif marched in with three blocks of cheese and two summer sausages from Rose, which Collette helped him arrange on platters and bring back. It was ‘Food Day’ at work, which meant that everyone contributed something edible, including the taco salad (some of which OLeif brought back in a cup for Collette), tortilla soup, and the batch of molasses cookies which OLeif had baked the previous evening.
By 4:30, OLeif was at his own doctor’s physical to prepare further paperwork for the Colombian dossier.
After Puck’s nap, Collette let him have a miniature red tootsie pop from his Halloween stash. His eyes lit up.
“I gotta lick it. I gotta eat it very hard,” he explained very seriously. “Donkey’s gotta look at it. Donkey can’t eat it. Donkey’s gotta… Donkey’s gotta get his lollipop.”
At dinner, Puck bit the inside of his mouth.
“Ow!” he cried. “I spank my teeth!”
“Why did you do that?” Collette asked him. “They’re good.”
“No they’re not. They’re sad.”
Then Rose dropped in for a couple of hours before going back up to work at eight.
Puck took this opportunity to play with his beloved ‘Onion’. He placed the box that had held the four Doctor Who series on his head.
“I’m gonna scare me!” he said with a grin. “I’m gonna be ghost!”
“Aaaah!” Rose cried, playing along.
“It’s just Puck!” he said, removing the box from his head. “It’s just Puck. There’s no ghost. It’s just a box. There be ghosts in there. There’s just a ghost in there.”