Odd Things Happen
While Puck wrote another letter to his brother, one of the readings at church this morning snagged Puck’s conscience…
“There is no one righteous, not even one.”
He almost glared at me and whisper-shouted, “GOD IS, SILLY!”
“AGH! BOYS! You have no idea how loud our family is!”
Rose practically plugged her ears while the boys sword-fought with plastic wrap tubes.
“You know what would be fun?” Francis mused. “Wrapping someone up in plastic wrap. Hey, Puck?”
“No, Francis,” Carrie cut him off.
So Francis wrapped his leg instead. Tight.
“It’ll cut off your circle-ation, Francis,” Puck advised.
“There,” Francis coated it with another layer. “Now it’s preserved.”
“Francis, you’re broken,” Rose reprimanded him. Then she finished her former conversation. “And that’s why I’m mad at my boss’ boss’ boss.”
So there was the annual sausage supper mixed in there. Every Reformation Sunday, which wasn’t feeling so much like a Reformation Sunday because we weren’t attending the service. Half the kids left before four anyway. Joe and Jaya and Rose at a pumpkin carving party. Francis at Six Flags where Linnea was meeting up after finishing 1st place in her team’s division at volleyball Nationals. Something about her scoring the final shot, or whatever they call that in volleyball. And Bær was back from a successful retreat.
My boys left for home before I did. Because Carrie suggested the game at Vanbuskirk’s with Lucia and Grewe. Hallowe’en light in the west.
They had a fire crackling outside, large packaged s’mores stacked inside. One of Joe’s ink works featured prominently on the wall. Before anything disastrous happened, I tried an apple smoke truffle. We discussed several times how frightening David Ortiz was.
But then disaster happened anyway.
After ten, Carrie and I returned to the Big House where Linnea was back with chocolate-covered pretzels watching the last innings with Mom in the basement. Despite the disappointing conclusion, Linnea had some funny pictures to share of zebra teeth and snooty llamas from some wild zoo she had visited over the weekend.
“That llama thought he was all that,” she explained.
I think she liked the longhorns better.