One More Sunday
Sunday, March 27, 2011
In which there is one last Sunday together before Mom and Dad go abroad…
Puck woke up groggily when he heard Collette rattling pots in the kitchen. Almost immediately, he began to set the table with forks and add other objects from the counters that he thought were necessary in order to eat breakfast.
Sunday School was combined that morning, in order that Judah and Evangeline could give their church-wide presentation regarding their upcoming ministry to Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, which meant in Amharic: ‘New Flower’.
Back at the house…
Mom wrapped Paige Popp’s baby gifts for her shower.
Linnea cracked out the giant yeast rolls and Kerry Gold Irish butter over the next Tales from Avonlea and worked on her paper for the week: Why the Sun Stood Still.
Carrie had prepared a large pan of roasted and seasoned sweet potatoes, beets, and onions, which made a very rich set of colors and textures together, two pans of chicken marinated in peach and other tangy flavors, and a plate of large blueberry-coconut-papaya muffins. As usual, everything was a hit.
Puck walked on Linnea’s back, per request. It hurt a lot lately, likely from her old gymnastics days.
“This is like rubber stuff,” he said, trying to keep his balance.
“Jump, Puck!” Francis teased.
And then Rose attempted to explain the purpose of a baby shower to Puck…
“Babies fall down from the ceiling. You have to catch them!”
“You’re just kidding!”
“You’re just kidding!”
“Everyone runs around and catches them so that they’re safe.”
“Could I go and help them?”
Rose’s and Linnea’s room had been completely done, at Linnea’s design: light pumpkin shaded walls, Linnea’s model ship collection tacked to the wall, and painted chest of drawers in white with a native mask hanging above it, the print from the Caribbean…
Mom and Dad were leaving in four days. And all matters had been put in order.
And Joe was out with Wally for the afternoon.
Mom and Carrie returned from T.J. Maxx with navy blue wellies for Rose and a box of Turkish Delight.
Over pizza…
Clothes shopping had been broached. Apparently Francis was in the market for some new items.
“Of all my children,” Mom was saying, “Francis takes the longest to try on clothes in the fitting room.”
“Well, I was trying to see if this pair of shorts fit…”
“You don’t try on underwear in the fitting room, Francis,” Dad laughed.
“That’s it. I’m never going to his stores again!” OLeif exclaimed.
“No!” Francis protested. “Actual shorts.”
“Best never to try on underwear or socks at stores,” OLeif advised. “Just assume that they work.”
“That’s right,” Francis grinned. “Never the unmentionables.”
“The last loss (death) is all gain.”
— John Piper