One, Two, Three
CardGals: Episode 6: (iTunes Podcasts: “CardGals”)
Puck breakfasted while reading a small book about mummies this morning. Oatmeal and mummification just don’t mix. If I had thought about it too long, I would have lost my appetite. But it didn’t stop the questions from coming anyway.
He pointed to a wrinkled pile of bones. “This mummification didn’t work too well, Mom.”
Before 8:30 I was out the door with a slew of book bags and papers for my own day of work.
Carrie-Bri and I recorded a lengthy Episode 6 in Dad’s office, including a guest “mew” from Pumpkin who suddenly decided her box seat in Dad’s window was no longer good enough.
While Carrie edited our collection of rants, Linnea-Irish and I hit up the old community college to register for Spanish in the spring. Audit for me; I don’t care to add any more letter grades to my career. It’s been some eleven years since I’ve covered those halls. Walked a few times across campus – enough to activate my gimpy knee.
Hit up Dairy Queen on the way home. There are some curses/perks to having a little sister work fast food. This time it was Carrie’s idea, texting assistance for sustenance while she finished up editing at the kitchen table.
By this hour it was almost time to pick up the big boy across the river. (Sometimes I wonder what I’d do if all the bridges suddenly collapsed into the water during the middle of the day. And then I remember that El Oso also works on the same side of the river, so Puck’s pick-up would still be covered.)
Anyway, we all played a part in cleaning the Mazda for the field trip to Purina Farms tomorrow. Puck added his own embellishments by cleaning the windows with the sleeve of his vacuum-dust-filled hoodie. I didn’t bother sponging it down; it’s his own contribution to the trip.
Dinner followed. Dad and Puck shared opinions on how they don’t like rice. They both ate it anyway.
Come evening, El Oso was consulting with co-workers over dinner. So I hunkered down with work on the couch while Crackers threw herself across my general workspace and inhibited my productivity as usual. If I had a dollar for every time she kneads biscuits to the detriment of my clothing…
Oh yeah – World Series … is that still going on someplace?