Penguins & Polar Bears
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Lucia came over to the house on Wednesday night all psyched about getting her hair dyed.
“Darker?” Collette asked.
“Sounds like fun,” Collette told her.
“Of course,” Lucia grinned. “It’s always fun when I’m here.”
“That’s true.”
“Of course it’s true – it’s a party when I’m here.”
“That’s true too.”
“Of course it’s true,” Lucia giggled a bit.
Shortly later, Collette left to reunite with OLeif at church, as Carrie drug out the old bar stool into the living room for Lucia to sit on and popped in a rather dated videotape from the library on ancient worlds.
Meanwhile, Collette continued to wake up every morning from a collection of bizarre forgotten dreams.
And it was another Thursday.
Carrie was still looking at London and Paris in March for ridiculously low costs, via a student travel website that Jashub had given them on Sunday.
Meanwhile, at the office, Rosemary, Ivy, and Judah were discussing whether polar bears and penguins both lived at the South Pole, or if the penguins lived at the South Pole and the polar bears at the North Pole, and if polar bears ate penguins, or if they lived in harmony (like in the animated Coca-Cola commercials), or if they couldn’t because they didn’t live at the same pole anyway…
And Judah sat on the floor and cut up a road map to hang on the wall at church, referencing community group locations.
Come the afternoon, it began to snow again – fairy flurries.
OLeif did not arrive at the church until about seven o’clock that night, having been delayed again at work. Collette drove the car back home while he stayed to have Bible study with the boys at the church.
“I’ll get one of them to drive me back home afterwards,” he said. “I’ll bribe them with coffee.”
“From the living wood came sin and death; from the dead wood, righteousness and life.”
– Martin Luther