Puck at Two Weeks
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Puck was found giggling to himself in his sleep again, scrunching his toes together in dreamy baby bliss over whatever had made him laugh.
Collette couldn’t be happier about the weather line-up for the following five days: storms, storms, and more storms. There was something enchanting about the dark skies and the greenery of spring.
Meanwhile, Collette and Puck spent part of their morning (whenever Puck was not sleeping) reading from Genesis and John Piper. Puck’s eyes would droop from time to time during the longer stretches of sitting still and listening. But for only being two weeks old, he did a pretty good job of not fussing while she read to him.
It was another perfect before-the-showers spring day.
Later that afternoon, Carrie-Bri and Lucia dropped by during their lunch hour. Lucia immediately finished up the chocolate cake and chatted with friends on her cell phone while Carrie spoke of new ideas for travel in the fall – perhaps South America in lieu of Turkey. South America had been high on her list for the past number of years, particularly including Uruguay. And there was still talk of visits to New Zealand and perhaps Croatia. That was the way to do it while still young and single – save one’s pennies for several months at a time and travel the globe every six months or so.
Collette’s to-do travel list mirrored Carrie’s in many ways: Iceland, Egypt, New Zealand, Venezuela… So much to see.
“I love you, Octavian,” Lucia said to Puck on the way out, as always.
“I’m sure he loves you too, Lucia,” Collette spoke for him.
“Oh, I know he does,” she grinned.
Later in the day the rain poured off and on.
In other news, Rose and Starr had, indeed, performed the toad wedding ceremony. Rose had taken pictures, several of which included one of the fat balls of blubber checking itself out in a doll house mirror before the festivities.
And the boys would be in Hawaii during the middle of July.
OLeif had been at work all day and then out to run errands, which included printing Magnus’ senior pictures, taking care of his tux for Peter’s wedding taking place in two and a half weeks, and fixing up Izzy’s new computer.
And Puck decided to have a difficult evening before fussing himself to sleep, which was unusual for him (according to his first two weeks of being out in the world). There was at least somewhat of a sense of the unpredictable in every baby, Collette concluded. She was thankful, however, that Puck was (so far) displaying very little of that quality.
In news of the world, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles were visiting Virginia. It was the first time the queen had been over to the United States for over a decade, before the death of Princess Diana.