Puck's Mind
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
“Ahg! Maddie! You don’t even know how to make your own breakfast! Watch.”
Puck was increasingly patient with the cat, luring her into a sort of boy-and-his-cat friendship. Apparently the feline even condescended to sit on his lap that morning. But sometimes her incompetence flabbergasted him.
“Sometimes mistakes happen, Maddie. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don’t.”
“What happened, Puck?”
“I’m just telling her about herself. Sometimes she gets scared. From now on, she has been scared. I don’t know why. She’s so silly.”
Puck busied his morning spinning out some original tunes and sound effects from his room over the Lego box.
The life of a boy…
“Mom? Why did Grandma have so many babies? Something makes you have a little bit less… Because Joe’s gone. That makes you have less.”
He pushed through two hot dogs, a block of cheddar, an apple, and a glass of skim milk at lunch with his green swimming goggles strapped around the top of his blonde head underneath his cowboy hat. In one hand he carried a red cloth belt from Collette’s dress which he had tied to a rolled stack of OLeif’s notes penned on Hinduism.
“I’m in the Lord’s army, Mama,” he said later, poetically crossing two pieces of dull cutlery across each other. “And you can’t try to stop me.”
Ten minutes later, the goggles were back down over his eyes as he snickered over “Calvin & Hobbes” sitting on the rug in his room.
In the mid-afternoon, Puck – having forgotten he had clipped out a triangle of hair from his forehead – emerged from the bathroom with Collette’s hand mirror…
“Oh I hate it I hate it! I should have just not cut my hair! Now I just look more silly!”
He could easily distract himself though…
“Hey, Mom. How many shoes are there in the whole earth?”
He went to bed in tears, however, saying his bedtime prayers…
“Dear Jesus… I… [whimper]… dropped my banana in the toilet… [whimper].”
He did.