Puck's Surprises
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Puck ran around in his fauxhawk, which was roundly complimented, calling to Lulu Kennedy from the sound balcony. Her noise matched his noise…
“You’re so tall, Puck!”
“And you seem to be so small, Lulu!”
Surprises were waiting for Puck that afternoon.
Rose presented his present in a gift bag packed with tissue paper. A little fuzzy gray head popped out with a scarf tied around its neck.
“For me! My very own?” Puck squeaked, lifting the fur ball from the tissue.
Collette nodded, “Your very own.”
“Crackers” was now a member of the Silverspoon family.
Kitten jubilation was followed with pretzel sandwiches stuffed with grilled turkey and New York cheddar, and potato chips and brownie bites, all buffet-style.
Puck got busy supervising his kitten and the Nala-mom (aka “Floozie”). He crawled carefully along the floor, speaking quietly for once…
“Could I ask you somethin’? Real quick?”
– Floozie wasn’t interested. –
“Good mudder [mother], good mudder,” Puck enouraged her.
Linnea walked out the door at 1:10. All the gaggle of church girls were attacking the movie theater. Something about Snow White or something. Axes. Chopping… Linnea didn’t sound so impressed.
Carrie dragged away a grumpy Rose to hunt up a swimsuit.
Francis was scolded for shooting off firecrackers.
Mom and Dad napped, of course.
Another surprise was handed over to Puck as an offer to swim at the YMCA with Francis in the afternoon.
Five cats were busy hissing and growling at each other, four of them female. Snuggles didn’t know what to do with himself. Then Crackers fell asleep under OLeif’s boot…
“Kittens always go to sleep when there’s imminent peril above them,” Rose philosophized.
And the unbelievable heat wave continued with highs predicted to scrape 105.
Linnea returned with a large sack of buttery popcorn after the boys also arrived – all watery disasters averted. Puck had a good time.
It was too hot to do anything, so everyone watched the refurbished DVD of the 2000 vacation to Tennessee, including the Smokies, Cade’s Cove, Parthenon, Loveless Cafe biscuits, and Shiloh with – “The Bloody Pond”. Joe tactfully narrated this historical documentation, “And when they were bathing their wounds, blood flew out.” Also including full reenactments of the summer Olympics involving Rose’s plastic horse jumping set, narrated by Joe with Chevy commercials – “Chevy, the longest trucks on the road.” Dad got some heavy laughs out of that.
Meanwhile, Crackers napped in Puck’s lap cuddled in a hand towel while he and OLeif shared ice creams.
Cardinal victory.
Little Caesar’s.
“Andy Griffith” for the whole family.
Times were good.