Over at the house, Puck was very pleased to find a pile of “quishies”, as he called them, purple foam ear plugs, which Carrie had given to him for his morning toys. He splashed them in a small tub of water in the kitchen, sitting on a dish towel, for most of the morning.
Then Eve dropped over to bring Carrie’s bridesmaid dress, which was newly arrived. Fortunately for Carrie, no alterations seemed necessary.
And then Eve showed them pictures of the apartment that she and Othniel had found near his college. Things seemed to be starting to come together for them.
Later in the afternoon, Creole arrived to work with Francis at the neighbor’s house, after which they went back to the go-carts.
As Collette loaded up the car, she saw the boys standing around a circle of fire on the driveway.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Francis said, holding up a reassuring hand, “It’s fine. I’m just burning off some excess gasoline.”
Back at the house, OLeif folded paper boats out of self-printed origami paper for his shoot of the day.