Monday, January 15, 2007
Collette had awoken that morning from the effects of strange dreams, once again, mostly revolving around events from the evening before, but all very hazy.
And she was not particularly looking forward to her doctor’s appointment that evening, most importantly because she had to drink a small bottle of orange glucose. And then, she would have to have more blood drawn at the lab. Not exactly a favorable experience, but standard, nonetheless. In good news, however, she had passed into her third trimester with no further incident.
But in other things of the day…
It was back to the studies with Rose, who, when Collette arrived to teach, was in her room attacking an old computer monitor on the floor with a screwdriver.
“What’s going on?” Collette asked.
“Dad says I have to throw this away by the end of the day, so I’m salvaging all of the parts,” Rose said, quite determined.
Later, she brought out a small china bowl filled with various colorful parts. As they cracked open the history book, she began taking little rolls of copper wiring out of the bowl and unraveling them. The next time Collette looked up from the book, Rose had wired several locks of her hair into Pippie Longstockings pigtails.
“I’ll start a fad,” she said.
Several of the larger twists of copper wires she saved to make into necklaces and bracelets. Several other small wires she put through her earlobes.
“Uh, I’m not sure that’s a very good idea…” Collete couldn’t quite imagine what sort of harmful things might be on computer wiring that would be damaging to her earlobe, but some sort of infection could possibly ensue.
Later, Collette and Carrie chastised her for snacking on too much sugar during the day, as Rose sat on the couch munching a box of Lucky Charms.
“Rose!” Frances exclaimed. “Dad told you not to just eat the marshmallows out of there.”
“I’m eating all the parts,” Rose defended herself.
Although Collette did notice that there were several non-marshmallow pieces scattered on the floor near the dog. Apparently Trooper wasn’t interested in them either.
Rose was not having a very successful day.
Meanwhile, Collette’s doctor’s appointment went well and OLeif and Collette used one of their Christmas gift cards afterwards at O’Charley’s for dinner and caramel pie.
“This is the way God always works, so that His Word remains true and no one is saved or satisfied except for the Christian. Though the others have everything, their lot is never any better; indeed, it is never as good, and they must still remain poor beggars as far as their heart is concerned.”
– Martin Luther (from his sermon on The Beatitudes)