Silly Stuff
At a hospital having physical therapy done on both knees, a hospital designed like model homes from the 90s stacked on top of each other. A lot of cranberry paint and wallpaper. I’m convinced I dream all night long, one weird story after another…
We were getting ready to leave for church when I noticed a piece of news come up.
“Oh, Yadi had another baby,” I told Oxbear.
“That’s remarkable! Have the scientists found out yet?” He grinned ridiculously.
The ride to church was no less silly, this time from Puck. “Mom, I have a penny from a thousand years ago.”
“That would be an accomplishment.”
“Hon, I was five years old in 1989.”
“You’re a thousand years old?”
Oxbear explained the difference between being born in the previous century and being literally a thousand years old.
Then talk turned to weird things that Oxbear had eaten.
“I shot a squirrel once and cleaned it and ate it.” From his days in Arkansas. “I’ve also eaten cactus.” Probably not Arkansas. “Oh, and shark.” Definitely not Arkansas; despite this guy being pureblood Texan, you wouldn’t always know it.
After church, Carrie-Bri and Rose filled me in on the gift that one of the cats had let loose in the house, a tiny fast-running black mouse that was eventually released back into the wild. The chase lasted long enough to remove the loveseat from the living room to the back patio where the mouse was thought to be hiding. Turns out he was just sitting on the windowsill, watching them.
Irish and Thumper took Yali to the grocery store for ice cream sandwiches at about one o’clock. Then the car died on the Target parking lot so Francis drove over to jump start it for them.
Despite all this excitement, the afternoon crawled along until it was Super Bowl time at the Silverspoon’s where only Gloria was left because Swanson wasn’t back yet from working with Rocket in Winfield, and Izzy was working a job someplace. We’re real football folks. Even Dad didn’t get into the Super Bowl too much, I guess.