Snow Cometh
Monday, January 10, 2011
It looked like snow was coming.
Possibly 3-6 inches by Tuesday. And the high for Wednesday was predicted at a high of 16, and a low of 5. Certainly not as cold as some winters before it, but they were still, after all, only not quite three weeks into the current one.
The day was begun with Marbleworks for the Puckster, who was very busy creating his own designs now that he had gotten the hang of it.
Then reading a book of photographs of tropical locations which kept him curiously amused for an extended period of time.
Frigid bike ride in 28.9 degrees Fahrenheit. Puck did admirably as they passed the work crews patching cracks in the cement with ‘oil’, as the orange diamond-shaped signs indicated.
And back home where Puck amused himself for about half an hour with threading insect cards until it was time for lunch.
About one o’clock, the snow began to fall. Lightly. A mere dusting to start.
During Quiet Hour, Collette caught up on Rose’s audio version of Roughing It.
And Puck had found a picture of a violin.
“Look, Mama. That’s a Jell-O. That’s for things to make music.”
In the later afternoon, it was decided that it might be best not to attempt a second walk, as the snow had picked up in volume.
Instead, Puck was very intent on piecing together the gorilla puzzle given to him at his baby shower by the Englishs, over and over and over again. And there was, of course, the violet to white color-changing matchbox car that Joe had given him, which he thought was pretty fantastic.
Supper. Since Collette discovered that OLeif needed just over 2,400 daily calories to maintain his current mass, meals were taking on a creative twist. OLeif was given a pile of chicken and the better part of a goodly sized block of cheese. She somehow envisioned portions somewhere akin to the Beanstalk giant… Collette had been encouraging glasses of milk to supplement, which was not entirely OLeif’s preference. Unless there were cookies at hand. And there were not.
So while Collette prepared everything, Puck was busy watching the claymation story of Jesus.
And Question #16 in the Children’s Catechism… where ‘Spirit’ was always ‘spirint’, and ‘holy’ was, more or less, ‘woolly’.
The snow was an ample dusting by six o’clock.
Puck was quite amused at making faces at himself in the reflection of the patio door.
And in the foggish evening, descending planes took an especially eerie connotation as they continued on the next 27 miles to the airport.
“It’s a alien,” Puck said with a grin.
When OLeif returned… strawberry shortcake rolls and another British comedy: The IT Crowd.
OLeif was prepared to work from home the following day.
And Grandpa was not doing terribly well with his pneumonia yet…
“At dawn, they packed up their camels and wrapped gifts for the baby. They brought their most precious treasures of all: frankincense, gold, and myrrh. Special, sparkly, lovely-smelling, gleaming things — just right for a king.”
— The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name