So run that you may obtain
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Collette enjoyed new concert experiences, if for nothing more than watching the reactions of people in the crowd. While the bands screamed and rocked a handful of the people below would rock along as hard as they possibly could while the majority merely stood and watched. The mosh pit began every once in awhile, a spontaneous urge to beat up the fellow standing next to them. Nothing serious, of course. But Collette found it amusing to watch and wondered if modern-day mosh pits were half-similar to gladiator spectacles in ancient Rome. She did manage to secure a pair of earplugs from Joe and hid them behind Carrie’s black bandanna around her head to muffle the tremendous sound.
Wednesday started off with a crash as Collette went head-first into Curly’s bedroom window to unlock the front door. (They had forgotten to retrieve a Silverspoon house key before they left for Texas in order to borrow the car while theirs was in the shop.) She only slightly bruised her rib cage as she barreled through just as Diana called OLeif’s cell phone to talk to Collette. Back at the house, Collette reviewed African art and covalent bonding with Rose before meeting Mercy and Diana at Ihop from lunch. The hour and a half couldn’t do complete justice to the several years it had been since the three had gathered together, but it helped, and it was good. So much had happened, so many shadows, but there were morning glories among the shadows and they were growing stronger.
Earlier, at Lace’s baby shower, a game had been played where each lady present wrote as many female names beginning with a D of which she could think on a piece of paper in a certain amount of time. Whoever wrote the most, won. Rose almost took the prize with 23 names, but was beat by another lady who had written 26. It was likely a good thing that Rose did not receive a prize, seeing as she invented the following names and added them to her list:
“You can’t do that,” Annamaria laughed, looking over her paper. “None of those count.”
Rose submitted her paper anyway.
Later, after Evangeline, Susie, Rose, and Molly had met at the St. Charles Coffee House to consult together on a party for the junior high girls, Susie and Rose joined the junior high youth for the evening. After a rather competitive session of frisbee football with Susie and Rose as opposing team captains, they cooled themselves off inside.
“Watch this,” Susie said, getting up from the couch.
She began to chase Sunrise around the room.
“I love you!” She called to her, arms wide open.
Sunrise ran for her life right out the door, not highly appreciative of sisterly affection.