
Thursday, December 1, 2011
In which Puck is introduced to new objects of entertainment…

Collette woke that morning to find her son sitting on the edge of the bed, ‘whale fishing’.

The chickens were back… apparently thought they ruled the roost or something.
Puck’s ‘lucky little package’ had arrived in the mail. He hadn’t let that fortune cookie fortune out of his hand for three days. And so Carrie had ordered him another Berenstain Bears books. He was thrilled, as could be expected.

Luke and Leia arrived with gifts: Christmas-green Rice Krispy treats squares, a package of super hero Squinkies, and a set of brightly colored Japanese finger traps for Puck.
A strip of bubble wrap laid out on the floor; that was all they needed…

Bing Crosby.
A jog.
The normal.

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Jamie Larson