Summer Break Day #20

  • Early that morning, Patience raids the pack of Hershey’s bars on the counter that I forgot to hide the night before…
  • Yali visits the nephrologist for his annual single-kidney inspection
  • Take Yali and Patience to Castlewood to browse for fossils and stone tools (find a few); they wade around in their swimsuits and meet a tree frog a passing boy caught in a QT cup
  • Hit the road home and pick up Culver’s vanilla custard studded with M&Ms for the kids; it’s summertime
  • Puck experiments with the wood burning kit from his birthday, including an attempt at making toast with it (his favorite snack)




Later that evening, when Puck wanted to test his strength on the old storage room wall, he punched right through the drywall. The hole that remained from his half-Texan fist, he covered up with a typed sheet that read :

“This is a wall”

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Jamie Larson