Sweet Potatoes

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Collette had promised OLeif not to decide about Israel until Monday. According to Kitts, the site to be excavated was “the only site with evidence of the existence of King Solomon” and the professor leading the tour would “be bringing two people along to begin filming a documentary on the archaeological evidence… which they hope will eventually be aired on the Discovery Channel”. Collette tried not to think about it before the weekend was over.

In the meantime, Puck was bouncing and happy to have his dad home for the day. OLeif was busy preparing the Senior High Sunday School class regarding Buddhism for the following morning. And Collette continued her Italian and Arabic studies.

While running errands that morning, Puck sat in his car seat watching the passing world and gnawing on his stuffed tiger’s, (Hobbe’s), tail.

OLeif whipped out dinner for Puck that night, and as was not uncommon, began to dialog for him:

“Ah ha! Why, it’s my arch nemesis, Sweet Potatoes! Let me consume you! Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. I attack you from the north! Boom!”

Warm and dry. September was coming to a close.

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Jamie Larson