Teeth Troubles
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Francis had tooth surgery that day. He had a stubborn little pearly white that had inevitably refused to break through his top gums. And so, the culprit was taken care of that morning. According to Joe, Francis returned with lips the size of grapefruits. And apparently the tooth had been imbedded so high in his gums, that the surgeon was obliged to move under the lower bone of his nose to get at the tooth in the first place. The swelling would supposedly come down after Sunday. The poor fellow would also be missing his first Red & Green Banquet that night, but there were many more to come in the following years.
Meanwhile, it was office day. Snatches of “spy music” were coming from Rosemary’s office in the earlier part of the morning as she prepared materials for the upcoming Vacation Bible School that summer.
Collette worked through the usual mess of papers and notes in completing the bulletin, over a small bowl of Chilean grapes. And Ivy was looking forward to taking off work the following Thursday. Her younger brother was driving up from college for a few days, and they were going to see the eagles.
And Rosemary and Ivy talked over the shower a little more. Rosie Hatch was going to make the cakes. And Rosemary was describing the punch to Ivy.
“It’s going to have raspberries and pineapple juice…”
“Eeew!” Ivy did not like the idea of it.
“Oh, wait, I haven’t gotten to the good part yet,” Rosemary continued. “Then we add some vodka ice cubes… You are 21, right?” She asked Collette.
“Ha; it wouldn’t matter either way anyway,” Collette laughed.
The idea of spiking the punch at a baby shower. Crazy thought.
And then Judah sat around with the rest of them and voiced his opinions on various name suggestions. ‘Spaulding’ was his final recommendation for baby.
Collette passed on that one.
Later, after returning from work, Collette received a surprise package in the mail. Carrie had ordered her a brand new Flags of the World t-shirt, just like the old one, but the colors of the flags were bright again. And there were no holes. Granted, not all of the flags were the same. The Andal Islands seemed to be a new addition. However, flags changed; countries rose and fell over a span of eight years. Collette looked forward to the day when she would actually be able to fit into it for the first time.
Come evening, OLeif submitted another change-of-address form at the post office. Still, no one could tell them what had happened to their forwarded mail over the last month. And then they dropped by the store to pick up a box of glasses for Cashmere’s bridal shower to be held the following Saturday. It was the first shower that Collette had ever been to which did not require the gifts to be wrapped. And it was also on her favorite holiday – St. Patrick’s Day.
“Keep your heart white hot in God.” – John Piper