The Great Give-Away
Over at the house, Carrie was giving away her treasures.
“It’s a sad day,” she said. “I’m getting rid of memories. I’m going minimalist now.”
Rose and Linnea were soon haggling over the plethora of items deposited on the coffee table and living room floor — Aztec statues, Chinese vases, necklaces from Jericho, battle staffs, exotic dead bugs, sequined boxes…
In the mail had also arrived a gift from Mom for all of Carrie’s devoted help in cooking her meals, cleaning, watching after the kids, etc. — a photo frame of nine clear bubbles acting as the glasses over the pictures. She had wanted it for a long time.
Puck ran around as usual. Collette wondered if he hadn’t once again stuffed a handful of candy hearts, uninvited, into his mouth.
“Dahnk-coo! Dahnk-coo!” he would cry (thank you), whenever given an alternate snack.
Sometime around the lunch hour, Linnea tried to teach him how to do the can-can on Mom’s and Dad’s bed. This proved unsuccessful.
Rose, who was at home again from work, due to slow business lately, made chocolate chip cookies that afternoon. Mom wasn’t entirely happy to learn that Rose needed to use her block of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate to complete the recipe.
“This is what I think of your chocolate, Mom!” Rose declared, as loud smashing sounds echoed from the kitchen as she chopped up the block.