The Inferno
Thursday, July 21, 2011
In which the day is atrociously hot, but things are kept cool indoors…
Collette started her morning with memories of dreams…
Terrifying ‘drop lightening’ storms (whatever that was) in the mountains of Colorado.
Puck began his breakfast with a look of shock…
“Mama! I didn’t have a vitamin this year!”
And Collette had a super-bruise forming on her right thigh, which had been unfortunate enough to smash itself full-force into the red couch the previous afternoon. It had almost immediately turned into a subtle lump. Clumsy, clumsy…
Over at the house…
Mom had made new pillows for the couches. With zippers.
Carrie-Bri had made French toast with Ezekiel bread and was telling Collette about Lucia’s Meyers-Briggs profile. INFP.
Joe was grumping about being up so early in the morning…
“I should just kick the sun,” he said.
“You better not,” Carrie grinned.
Mom was also taking Francis and Linnea-Irish to Pirates of the Caribbean 4 with the Os.
Over to the office, passing a car that looked like a very bright, shiny blueberry, and a large Edy’s ice cream truck, thundering through historic Cottleville…
Sinai and Babe Ruth told Collette about the huge snows of ’78 (56 inches, perhaps), and ’94.
Quiet, quiet…
Sinai left at noon to install a microwave for Rosie’s birthday.
12:30, back to the house…
Carrie-Bri and Puck had built an igloo in the living room, complete with crackling fire DVD, and sticks to ‘roast’ giant marshmallows.
They were also busy with a melting crayon art project on the patio. Streams of running colors. “Mahh-duhrn ahhht…” [Doctor Who reference…]
Checking into the possibility of coin appraisal…
Researching further contract opportunities for Dad…
Meanwhile, OLeif stayed home to work all day, given a slightly upset stomach, the need to be ‘less visible’ in order to complete another big project, and because his bike would have melted into a puddle on the highway…
So on the way back home, a drop-by for groceries: eggs, a particular dish sponge (which they did not have), and the usual Cheez-Its and a 2-liter of ginger ale for Friday night.
That evening…
OLeif was presenting the website for Christ OPC at their session meeting.
Collette transcribed her Bahamas journal, finished the study of Afghanistan for the first page of Puck’s next book, continued the possible Schuyler family line, and tacked on some Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, Paris, Iceland, and some light reading of two new intakes from the library: The Purpose-Driven Life (which she had never actually read), and Lemonade Laughter & Laid-Back Joy.
And another call from Great Uncle Harry to follow-up with more ancestral possibilities.