The Injury
Another early spring day spent at the house to begin again the algebra studies with the semi-reluctant Francis who was far less interested in distance problems than Collette would have wished.
Meanwhile, Puck was handing out the high fives, making his vacuum cleaner (old computer mouse) vroom around, and laughing at the fat kitties.
“Plump up those kissing cushions,” Carrie demanded the chubby fellow.
Then Puck tried to get away with washing his matchbox cars in Trooper’s dog bowl.
There was a trip to Costco to restock the pantry: grape juice, kiwi, Sunkist oranges (OLeif’s favorite), olive oil, frozen blueberries, etc. And Carrie needed a case of mochaccinos for one of Eve’s bridal showers that Sunday afternoon.
And Mom, who had successfully lost seventeen pounds since late January under Carrie’s supervised custom meal plan, was going to be on the women’s retreat to eat, most likely, at will. She was certain to pick up pizzas and lasagna for the family while she was gone.
In other news, Collette’s knee was still bothering her from the horse ride in Iceland. By the evening, she dug up OLeif’s crutch from the basement. Slipping it to its lowest notch, she found that it was still seven inches too tall. But it sufficed for a sort of prop as she tried to hobble on her left leg only.
Then OLeif headed off to church for a sort of meeting/interview of the first candidate to take Jimmy Saint’s place as youth leader.