The Laundry Cart

Linnea-Irish and Thumper spent part of their early afternoon dressing themselves up for a drive down to the Boathouse. I’m not sure how they thought sun dresses and paddleboats worked well together, but they seemed pretty determined to make it work.

Meanwhile, Francis, who had apparently destroyed the kitchen fixing himself a pan of bacon and a pot of pasta – I don’t really know what kind of logical menu he had in mind – took off for his usual list of sundry errands while leaving the dirty dishes in a few heaps behind him. Mom might have been a little mad.


When I looked up from exporting Cardgals Episode 70, it was about four o’clock, and Puck and Yali were taking the laundry express around the Big House, Mom at the wheel. It was a new thing turned up that week out there – a premium laundromat style laundry cart – big enough for both boys to sit in while sailing from one room to the next.

“MOM! CAN I PLEASE PUT THIS ON MY CHRISTMAS LIST?!” Puck shouted way too loudly as he floated past.

Then Yali decided he wanted a turn at wheeling his big brother around the house, Mom helping.

“Ah,” Puck sighed with gratification, “this is luxury.”

He was so convinced by the end of his ride that he wanted a genuine heavy duty laundry cart for Christmas, that he walked over to me with a look of deep determination on his face and said, “If I don’t get this, I will be sorely disappointed.”

I told him we’d have a chat about it.


Later in the afternoon as we drove for home – fat white cloud piles – cauliflowering in the northeast. We’d heard a splash of thunder here and there earlier in the day, but nothing came of it.


About an hour later while Yali downed another vitamin-enriched bottle, I heard Puck toweling off from the shower, singing.

“Zippy dee do dee, shim duh rum dum. My my my what a wonderful day! Zippy de do day, shim duh rum rum. My my my my my my my what a wonderful day!”



4.5 games up on Pittsburgh: 88 and 52; 22 games remaining.

Magic Number: 19.

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Jamie Larson