Those Boys

Thursday, May 17, 2012

OLeif reestablished the old television in the bedroom, now that Grandma Combs had gotten six months’ use out of it. Collette thanked him as he walked out the door to work.
“Well, I figured you watching the game today, it’d be better up here, with spiders having their convention in the basement and all…”

On the warming morning walk – sort of petrified wood smashed into the street sealant, like dinosaur bones in tar. Half-smashed blue egg on the pavement. Collette’s sweatshirt matched the dandelion yellow house.
When they returned, Collette read further of hurricanes and tornadoes to Puck, where they learned that the average thunderhead carried 10,000 tons of water.
Another writing lesson spawned further insight to Puck’s story plot…

The cow ate hundreds of earths.
Why did the cow eat hundreds of earths?
The cow went up the hill to get a plant.

Joe, meanwhile, as Assistant Commissary Manager, was rolling in the wealth of carpet, tile, and indoor shower.

Collette explained to Puck that the game would not begin until after Quiet Hour. He thought about this for a moment…
“Mama? Is the game starting after Quiet Hour because Mr. Berkman told all his team that Puck needs to have Quiet Hour first? And the coach?”

OLeif alarmed Collette slightly in the afternoon by IM-ing, “I’m makin’ rice puddin’!”

Puck attacked another popsicle over an irritating game that afternoon, asking further potent questions about life and such…
“Does God have more people than Satan does?”
“Are germs Satan’s?”
“Where was God when there wasn’t Heaven or space?”

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Jamie Larson