
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
In which a pleasant evening is arrived at, unexpectedly…

OLeif found Puck awake early that morning…
“Oh, you’re in your morning clothes, buddy. But you’re supposed to go back to sleep…”
“Wuhl… morning clothes cuts it out.”
Some time later, Collette found Puck sitting on the bed beside her face, ready to perform card tricks.

Following breakfast, Puck had additional ideas of marriage.
“I’m going to get married to Anneliese soon, right?”
“I hope you don’t get married anytime soon. And you’d have to ask Anneliese if she wants to marry you first.”
“Wuhl… she likes me a lot.”
“But does she want to marry you?”
“Wuhl… I’m not sure…” — this idea seemed revolutionary —
Sifting through the old Borders-find ‘three ingredient’ recipe book with tantalizing photographs. Puck labeled those he would like to eat.

The weather was ridiculous for July.
Heat indices now up to 118, with a high of 102 for Thursday.
And it wasn’t even August yet.

Into Quiet Hour…
The current eight writing projects for Collette… freight train.
4 fat marshmallows for Puck. Their silky-floury texture lined up in a fat row on the baseboard of his bed. Big grins.
Letters typed up to the various universities in Illinois housing marriage records from the 1800’s…

OLeif surprised them that evening. He had originally been scheduled to attend a business meeting with Ethiopia, incorporating violin and cello (a Carrie-Bri-loaner, who did not particularly get along well with her newer model). But instead, it was a 6:30 return with a bundle of dark red roses mixed with purples and berries, Toblerone, a Japanese soda for Puck, and a bag of sweet potato chips.
Good man himself.

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Jamie Larson