Trivia Mom

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, Collette heard about Mr. and Mrs. Owen inviting Mom and Dad over with some other couples to play the no longer in print National Geographic Trivia game.

“Well, girls, maybe I need to work on my trivia skills,” Mom told them.

Collette and Carrie-Bri obliged by searching the Internet for various questions. Some were relatively easy to moderately easy:

“Do chipmunks exist in France?” [No]


“Which country’s flag is solid green?” [Libya]

Others were almost impossible to even guess:

“How many animals died in the celebration of the opening of Rome’s colosseum?” [9,000]


“3,500 years ago, Sumerian apothecaries used parts of the Willow Tree as medicine. What would be the modern equivalent?” [aspirin]

Later, Carrie was in the living room squashing Rose on the couch.

“Help!” Rose croaked.

But Carrie had important things to discuss with her, and by the end of their conversation, Rose had decided that she would no longer work at The Columns.

Collette was at her laptop in the kitchen. It was running on battery power.

“More power to ya,” Joe told her, as he plugged in the power cord.

“Ha ha…” Collette half-laughed. “You and your jokes, Joe…”

“Puns, Collette, puns. Get it right.”

Frances was in the kitchen where he had found a way to postpone his math session.

“I’m making brownie cupcakes,” he said.

Collette couldn’t complain. They were good. But she snagged Frances for algebra later in the afternoon. This was followed with the library where Collette browsed for any good-looking Irish literature and various apocryphal books, but decided to pass on both. Carrie was in search of various political works and Frankenstein.

“I got all the Kit books,” Linnea grinned. “Do you think that’s too many?”

Collette didn’t think that it was, and neither did the librarian. All three girls returned to the house just in time for Collette and Puck to leave for home.

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Jamie Larson