Tuesday, July 19, 2011
In which cookies are baked and things are learned…
OLeif was off before Puck woke that morning; he would be meeting Simon and Alfonso for dinner that night. The boy kept a busy schedule.
In other parts of the city…
Joe had been in Kirksville with Yaotl and Aristotle.
And Francis had an early interview at the YMCA for lifeguard.
The heat was doing no favors.
Heat indices up to 110 predicted for the afternoon.
But that was nothing compared to the 115 expected on Wednesday through Friday.
Collette’s skin was drying up like a petrified crocodile.
Meanwhile, the usual.
Four more hours of books.
And Puck was very curious to know where, exactly, sins went when they were forgiven.
During lunch, the baby bunny nibbled on clover by the back side fence. He wasn’t so much of a baby anymore.
The afternoon list…
It seemed appropriate to heat up the house even more than its already sauna-status. So the bakery cupboard was opened to prepare…
Cracked sugar cookies.
Collette made Puck run around the inside of the house ten times before he was allowed any…
“I’m running like a boss!” he declared, business-like, over his shoulder.
Deciding to sell the old wedding dress.
Researching the Dutch line of the family.
Looking up chocolate (Cacao) trees for Puck.
And Doctor Who encyclopedias, also for Puck, at the library.
Renaissance music.
Into the tub for Puck with the squishy body meshy scrub, which looked somewhat like a green sea cabbage in the bath water.
Into the evening hours…
“Do you have any make-up you don’t want, Mama?” Puck asked. “I’m going to give it to Anneliese when I marry her, ’cause girls like make-up. I’m gonna give it to her mudder (mother). Her mudder.”
And after Puck had talked to OLeif on the phone…
“Daddy really misses you,” Collette told him. “He’s very busy learning how to be a pastor right now so he can tell people about Jesus.”
“I don’t want to be a pastor.”
“You don’t have to; you can still tell people about Jesus without being a pastor. I tell you every day about Jesus and I’m not a pastor.”
“Wuhl… you’re a pastor to me only. And sometimes I’m a pastor for a day. And sometimes…” he shrugged, “I’m just normal.”
Then they discussed Heaven and Puck brought up the matter of the Law being ‘different’ now…
“Look, Mama. The law…”
And he would do his best to explain what he thought about it.
Then he saw two pieces of fuzz twirling in endless circles on the floor underneath the ceiling fan.
“They’re dancing in the sunlight,” he noted.
And into the evening…
Wuthering Heights.