Two Weeks Till School
Yali woke several times that night with what I could only presume were growing pains. It made for a rough night for his mama, but I couldn’t complain about the possibility of growing pains. Not for a kid who sits in the one percentile on height and weight.
Anyway, his groggy mom joined both boys at breakfast while Oxbear drove off to work where Puck was in his high chair battling his banana chunks against each other. Two fists of banana running towards each other at high speeds, complete with perfect Tarzan yell on Yali’s part.
It was the middle of the morning. Eddie and Anna decided to join us on a warm walk around the neighborhood, hunting for their neighbor’s recently escaped dog. It wasn’t exactly the serene twenty minutes I expected, with three children taking turns screaming, “BELLAAAAAA!!!!” But fortunately the dog was discovered halfway through our walk, and peace returned as the three scootered and biked back to Eddie’s house to play the Wii.
At lunch, Yali was already slap-happy, just in time for his nap. A mouth full of watermelon, laughing to beat the band, just because I wiggled my eyebrows at him.
The afternoon was hot, but nothing that we hadn’t experienced already. Another walk around the neighborhood and more opportunities for Yali to add to the repertoire of cuts and scabs on his face. This kid is an accident waiting to happen. It’s never very serious, but with the way he catapults his tiny person around the house, falls face-forward on the kitchen linoleum – on purpose – or lands on the seat of his pants from jumping position … I’m surprised it’s just a few minor cuts around the nose and cheeks. And if it gets really bad, he brings over the offended appendage for a kiss, and all is good.
Just before Yali went to bed that night, Puck had another idea for an experiment. The next thing I knew, the kitchen sink was stockpiled with bubbles from about five different cleaning solutions. By the time he had bottled the invention for future use, he determined that he definitely needed to “call Grandma to tell her about it”.
Later, I heard the conversation end with him yelling over the speakerphone, “YOU’RE WELCOME FOR THE TIP, GRANDMA! … OH! AND YOU CAN TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND SEE IF IT HELPS THEM TOO!”
Oxbear came back with peanut butter ice cream Magnum bars. Nice stuff.