Uncommon Goods
Silence, peace, morning quiet…
The 56.5 pound shadow of my son came flying onto the bed and into my back.
Yes. Yes, it was. But apparently not too early to continue rolling that giant tin foil ball which Puck asked me to help him with before I even got out of bed.
“We have a lot of tin foil left,” he informed me. “One hundred, to be ‘pre-zact.’”
Mom’s 54th inspired Puck and myself to pick up two bundles of roses: one in red, one in orange, for the occasion.
And then Mom was meeting Mrs. O for lunch after she took Linnea to choir. “So it’s just Sun, me, and you here?” Puck asked after awhile, realizing.
“Who’s your favorite person on that list?” Carrie asked him.
He grinned. “Probably me.”
Carrie built a fire in the wood stove for Mom – she loves that – while copying our ancient Jewish shabbat cassette tape onto CD for Rose as a joke. She also popped some fresh batteries into the plastic brick of a portable audio cassette player from back in the day, for Puck. Earphones, The Berenstain Bears, a handful of cuties, and he was a happy kid.
Francis and Linnea walked in the door around three o’clock.
Puck greeted them. “Hey, Fran, open up that chicken nugget box on the table. I got a little surprise for you.”
“Ooh. Nuggets?”
“Nope. Something worse!”
Rotten banana peel.
“You little punk!”
“That’s what you get for eating his McFlurry,” Linnea laughed and then argued with Carrie-Bri over back massages and who had received the last one.
I slipped a pan of chicken into the oven for dinner while Puck pounded his completed tin foil ball into a footstool with the metal one-cup measurer. Another masterpiece by bedtime.
Puck’s Blog: Day #5
One day it was cold and I had my new pants on and my new shirt. We got bubble bath a lot of days ago. I mean a week ago. And there was so much to do! So so so so so so so so SO SO SO much to do! Well, I had a lot of talents… to write art.