Viking Warship
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Rose came with Collette to work that day, to study and to clean and alphabetize the books on the shelves in the basement. During the process of reshelving the books, Rose stumbled across an old copy of Rev. Trublood’s Bible (the first pastor of Kirk of the Hills), which contained a sketch of a Viking warship inside the front cover, and a grimacing beheaded head inside the back cover. Collette highly doubted that the pious old man had drawn the head in the back, and attributed the sketch to another owner. Rose also requested a photo copy of the Viking ship.
Meanwhile, OLeif was to practice music at church that night, and Collette spent another surprisingly quiet day, working in the office. She and Rose ate lunch together in the conference room and Collette had brought Rose a rootbeer and a bag of Doritoes from Ivy’s. Rose was also to stay after Collette left work, to hang around and help supervise the hodge-podge eighteen junior high students who inevitably wrought terror on all.
And seeing as half the week had been so uncommonly cool, Collette wondered if Joe’s swim party would actually take place, although Libby’s pool was still heated. Libby had already promised to make everyone her favorite quesadillas and there would be barbecue and the hot tub would be running piping hot for those who could not take the coolness of the water. Maybe Rose would go fishing in her blow-up boat on the lake.
In other news, it had been decided that Mom would drive up to Iowa to visit with Mrs. Lord-Welches October 2-5. They would spend some time in the cabin up on the lake.