Violet's Baby

Monday, November 24, 2008

It was time to stock up on groceries before the mad rush. While Puck spent the morning with his Nana, Uncle Joe, Uncle Izzy, and Uncle Curly (who was back for the week), Collette and Mom hit Costco and Schnucks. Already, the stores were packed with shoppers, pulling whole turkeys, Christmas wrapping paper, and boxes of stuffing into their carts. But not Collette’s. She had always disliked stuffing. Thanksgiving was not one of her holidays. She much preferred Reformation Sunday or Saint Patrick’s Day.
Puck was enjoying his days of being nineteen months old. He tore through the house on his baby feet, running to catch his aunts and uncles, and laughing at his own antics.
That evening, Collette was happy to see that Violet Gentles’ son had been born on Friday, November 14th, four and a half weeks early. A third birthday to add to that day.

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Jamie Larson