Warm Weather
Monday, March 21, 2011
In which Puck explores things as usual in a quiet sort of spring day…
Early morning:
The high had shifted up to 81 degrees Fahrenheit.
All of the windows were open.
Puck took a leisurely breakfast.
Snuggling on the couch, per request.
Between pajamas and dressing for the day, Puck found it necessary to walk about the house looking for batteries for his flashlight, clothes-less.
“Puck, you’re not a little Renaissance statue,” Collette told him. “Put your clothes back on.”
“I’m not a little Renaissance statue,” Puck repeated.
And outside to the mild sunshine for several hours, until Puck found spiders in the shed…
Late morning:
Burgers for lunch.
The birds were an actual chorus.
Early afternoon:
So much typing to be done.
Research for Dad.
Puck began making prints on the red couch with the lid of Collette’s silver teapot, which he had been ‘walking’ again with OLeif’s wooden yo-yo.
“Look, Mama! I’m making eyeballs!” he declared. “Come look! There’s my daddy! And there’s my mama! And there’s my Puck!”
Late afternoon:
OLeif returned early from work.
A walk around the neighborhood for the boys, with Puck on his bike.
Fish for dinner.
Early evening:
Maranatha peanut butter. Creamy. With a ‘hint of sea salt’.
Puck also participated in that party.
Minecraft for the boys.
Late evening:
Studies in optimism.
Early night:
“There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice.”
— John Calvin, via OLeif