Weary Bones
Saturday, April 29, 2006
[6:01am] As it turned out, Magnus and Wallace didn’t show, and OLeif, Joe, and Ben-Hur apparently fell asleep before one. Collette could not much manage staying much after eleven after transporting, sorting, and pricing four and a half hundred dozen items. And so OLeif dropped her off for about five hours of sleep, which was an hour more than she had intended, but she was grateful for the additional winks.
Saturday, Collette was fully beat. There present, mostly throughout the day were: Jimmy, OLeif, Collette, Joe and Rose, Ben-Hur and his parents, Bob B., Plato, and their mom, Julia Poach and her younger brother and mom, Nacchianti, Gaston and his mom, Augustus’ and Plato’s mom, Molly, Susie, and Lilia and her mom.
The kids played mud ball or “silo ball” in the open silo and attempted to catch barn swallows in the granary off and on during the seven and a half hours of the sale. Gaston (or Spiderman)’s mom, made a run to Burger King for some of the kids towards the earlier afternoon. And after pulling in about a thousand dollars, they called it quits for the day, until the next Saturday, which also promised to be gray and full of rain.
Following the productive morning and afternoon, Joe and OLeif popped into Dobbs for new tires for the Honda, and then Collette and Rose joined them for a wearing hour and forty-five minutes of watching CNN in the waiting room while they put on the tires. And OLeif, Joe, and Rose took turns reading Garfield.
“Then at length we stood two cables away,
How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now!
Our cracked four pounders made an awful din
But with one fat ball the Yank stove us in
“G~d ~~~~ them all!
I was told we’d cruise the seas for American gold
We’d fire no guns-shed no tears
Now I’m a broken man on a Halifax pier
The last of Barrett’s Privateers.