Wednesday Webbery
This time, Puck was not involved in disaster. Fortunately for me, at about 7:30 that morning, he was only strapping my hand mirror to the back of his door with duct tape. I can handle that one.
Puck took a few extra minutes actually getting inside the Big House later that day. In his detour travels to the back patio door, blazing through the lawn in socks, flip-flops, and almost-too-small plastic Playskool roller skates, he discovered an empty Yoo-Hoo bottle. After tattling on his uncles to Mom, accusing them of the crime of littering, he decided that he liked this bottle “pretty well”, and commenced in washing. Of course, this gave him plenty of opportunity to present his proposal…
“Mom, to cool down my anger about Francis leaving this empty bottle on the mud path… can I play a game on the computer with Sun?”
Also something about a new farm and “Snowman Headquarters” in Minecraft, his latest creation.. “I put snow here so the snowmen can snooooooze…”
Ivy Salthouse and I spent three hours at Chick-Fil-A, summarizing a summer of difficulties and generally solving the problems of the world.
When I returned, Mom and Linnea eventually showed up, Linnea blowing her nose heavily from the cold she inherited from Francis and a back adjustment. My right rotator cuff was pretty sore itself, but that was from Puck’s Dance Parties.
Heavy traffic on the ride in to “Old Church”. This is how titles are created. While Puck waited behind centurions of red lights, he applied his go-to: waving to the car behind him.
Misty-Hanna joined me in class where Greek nouns and verbs and genders were enriched by the orange paisley tie of Ray Bolger reminiscing of the old days when, “Philosophers were more like rock stars.”. He might have enjoyed ancient Athens. Anyway, being five months pregnant had introduced Misty-Hanna to the world of the malfunctioning gallbladder. The things I never knew…
Let it be noted: writing of baseball is an highly infectious and toxic disease of a satisfying nature that cannot by mitigated under any circumstances once started, and therefore I reserve all such endless cataloging for other places more aptly titled, such as My Little Red Notebook.