What may Come
Wednesday, December 1, 2004
It was the first day of her birthday month, and Laurel Peach’s 21st birthday. However, Collette was slightly disappointed with the streaming sun through the glass upon first awaking from a highly unusual eleven hours of sleep. However, she agreed that it did seem pretty out, and as she did some push-ups in the living room, she watched outside the window, where only the treetops could be seen from her angle. And as the Benedictine Monks chanted from the speakers by the couch, she pictured the balcony a part of their monastery, and if only she were to look out all the way, there would be rolling hills, fields, and mountains, forest cover, streams and waterfalls beneath the blues of the sky.
She was to go over early on a Wednesday and keep an eye on Linnea, as she was suffering from a bad cold, while the others got off to class and choir and such.
Who ever knew what one would be greeted with during the waking hours? You never could be sure. It could be a simple pleasure, or an exciting piece of mail like an early passed test score, a letter from an old friend, or better… Maybe a sudden trip to an unusual place, or some good news – like the engagement of a friend, or the arrival of someone new. Plans for vacation the following year to the Tetons or Canada. Whatever it might be, there often seemed to be little surprises surfacing from the waters of normal life, and Collette always wondered what the next one would hold. Wednesdays were not usually promising, but one never could be certain, and there was always a first when it came to such things.
She thought of yet another module built into Carrie-Bri’s plan. While she was working on her master’s in emergency response management, she would get a job as a security guard at one of the international airports, perhaps even at Lambert. There, guards were constantly needed for translation. Her Arabic and Spanish would be readily used daily as foreigners flew in and out of the States.