You Explain One
As I explained Spurgeon to the Puck this morning, his thoughts tumbled out in rapid succession…
“Will there be a golden ladder going up from the new earth to heaven?”
“I don’t know how that will work…”
“How long will it take?”
“Well, I think time will be different then. I’m not sure we’ll have time.”
“So, like a few minutes?”
“Could be…”
A sudden thought of excitement burst across his face…
“And there will be no one disobeying ever again?!”
“That’s right.”
“So God will just tell me to do something, and I’ll just do it because He’ll make me do it, right?!”
“You’ll do it because you’ll want to do it though.”
He started giggling at this new and exciting thought. He was so overwhelmed.
Nothing breaks up the old study day like a trip to the park to play with your dad. And by “play” I naturally mean Puck running into a flying leap off the retaining wall into The Bear’s arms. Over, and over, and over again. Follow that up with a visit for a few straggling groceries including a fifty cent pack of gum that The Bear let Puck purchase by himself… He was very proud. The Bear let him keep the 47 cents, change.
“I’m going to save all of my money to help the poor people and buy gum,” Puck explained seriously, right as we drove by that same man who scammed us for a can of gas last year or whenever.
Still in the same spot. I guess I could learn some lessons from my son…