December 11th, 2024

12:16AM – phone call from Puck…

Uh, I was outside burning stuff… and this cop turned on his siren from the W parking lot and drove over. But he just drove down to the end of the street and turned around and drove away.”

What are you burning?”

Rubber and stuff.”

An ancient flat wheelbarrow wheel (in the fire pit, to be clear)…

Well. Don’t do that again.”

Then, because one of the kids broke the garden hose somehow over the summer, Puck decides the best way to put out the rest of the inferno is with the kitchen fire extinguisher…

I’ll replace it.”


At a more godly hour of the morning… Yali and Patience fighting into math class, fighting through math class, fighting less after math class… sometimes long division (or the thought of it) can inspire violence… rethink approach

Meanwhile, the growth in the dog’s ear has burst… barf… well, blood, actually…

And as Yali prepares to leave for an appointment with Oxbear, and Patience and I prepare to leave for a volunteer shift at the old school… the granny cat decides to leave a foul “gift” on the bed right below my pillow… too lazy to walk downstairs apparently… or too scared of the dog probably

Volunteering… Patience gets an hour with her little buddies in Spanish while I copy and sort and cut and staple papers for E.R.

Home to snap photos of the dog’s nasty ear eruption at request of the vet… they’ll see her for another check-up next week

As the sun sinks, Puck is shoveling rubber out of the fire pit in the yard while Yali is reading from “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and then I read to him

Darkness falls… before Patience scoots to the studio, French toast for the masses… Puck complains about having “breakfast for dinner”, but he eats it anyway, with a side of bacon

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Jamie Larson