December 15th, 2024

Morning service concludes with Rev-K pausing to discuss eldership with Oxbear as we shake hands in line

Gray winds before Tony’s Donuts… Oxbear and I discuss various theological/denominational perspectives of baptism as we pick up chocolate long johns, then Christmas gift wrap from Aldi (Puck wasn’t pleased with my shiny “precious metals” gift wrap efforts this year… “What, is it not Christmasy enough for you? You want Santas or Jesus-es on there?” “Jesus?” he laughed. “They make Jesus wrapping paper?”)

Late-morning breakfast burritos to tug-of-war the sugar back home…

Puck is already at work for five hours…

Patience’s studio party for everyone but Puck… just couldn’t make himself join a party of giggling girls running around a community center with plates of crackers and dip… even if it is a family party… although Yali does join and immediately regrets his decision… Patience, however, leaves happy with a pack of candy cane scented body wash and body butter obtained from a round of “Rob Your Neighbor”

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Jamie Larson