December 17th, 2024
Yali and Patience fighting fighting fighting while Oxbear is on an early work call with England
After breakfast, Yali breaks out a full DeadMau dance party, wearing the light-up mask he found at a secondhand shop in Orlando
Granny cat scratches up my arm good while I attempt to transplant her from my room to the basement – she won’t have that
Help Patience pack gifts for Yellow Bird teachers… chocolate bars and 3D prints
While Yali and Patience spend five hours learning and playing with teachers and friends…
Prep a quick pot of spaghetti for Puck before driving out to O’Fallon for a dentist appointment… all good on the great tooth front
Home again…
call Compassion… send final gift to “Y” following his graduation…
email Field Notes (Medieval/Colonial tapestry ideas)…
consult on earthquakes/Ring of Fire with Elmer over text…
eat petite fours from the freezer while grabbing a newly released (to the U.S.) episode of BBC “Ghosts”…
Kids picked up just before three o’clock with Christmas sugar cookies and other goodies after tearing around outdoors most of the day… “They are both so sweet…” Miss A tells me (at least they save the fighting for family-only!)
Home once more…
find my dirty laundry hamper dumped onto my bed (Puck looking for his own socks)…
reserve two biographical books on C.S. Lewis at Thornhill Library…
check 30-day skiing forecast for Puck…
cut out more of the bee’s dead garden under the windows (find a baby holly tree somehow growing in the tangles)…
Puck accidentally drops a full tub of ham on the floor for the dog (Oxbear did the same with a tub of turkey a couple of days earlier)…
Pork steaks and sweet potatoes for dinner…
Start more wash… someone’s popped the knob off the washing machine…
Yali coasting around the house on rollerblades…
A little lightning and thunder around nine-thirty…